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Falaknaaz headshot

Falaknaaz Patni



Falaknaaz Patni joined NW Financial Group in August 2023, bringing over 10 years of experience in architecture, heritage retrofitting and conservation, urban planning, and community development. Her expertise spans affordable housing, redevelopment, and municipal finance. As a Financial Analyst, Falaknaaz has conducted in-depth research and analysis for financing and grant opportunities across various projects. Her recent work includes developing financial models for comparative analyses of FHA loans and commercial bank financing for HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) projects, preparing subsidy layering review documents, advising housing authorities on post-retirement benefits plans, and evaluating redevelopment opportunities for family and senior housing. Falaknaaz is actively expanding her expertise in LIHTC, Section 8, and RAD blend deals to better support public housing authorities.

Prior to joining NW Financial, Falaknaaz led teams on diverse construction projects, including building heritage conservation. She has a deep passion for sustainable and inclusive urban development, inspired by her experiences addressing urban challenges in Mumbai. Her internship with the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) and her time as an Eagleton Fellow with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection further reinforced her commitment to equitable city planning, with a focus on affordable housing.

  • Edward J. Bloustein (EJB) School of Planning & Public Policy
  • Rutgers University, New Jersey 2023 – Master of City and Regional Planning (MCRP) (International, Housing and Environment Planning)
  • University of Mumbai, India (Indian Education Society College of Architecture – IESCOA) 2016
  • Bachelor of Architecture, B. Arch (Urban Design, Construction, Building Materials, Town Planning, Theory of Architecture & Design)

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